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Barróg Healthcare provides a range of services to people with a disability, including:
Home-based support – assisting with personal care, getting up and ready, providing food and undertaking household chores.
Community outreach – support to enable people to fully access their community, including shopping, using public transport, leisure activities and education.
Day services – bespoke day service placements, focusing on the needs, goals and strengths of each individual.
Our clients include people with physical disabilities as well as those with intellectual disability, autism and other health conditions.

More info on Day Services
The aim of the day service is to provide a place where people with disabilities can engage in activities that are purposeful, goal orientated and are meaningful to the person. People will take part in activities that are individual to them, through a bespoke service with the necessary supports to meet their individual requirements. They will be meeting local people, developing valid social roles, friendships, connections and building a sense of belonging.
The day service will utilise a Social Model of Disability, which is underpinned by the premise that we are all born equal. A person’s disability can be compounded by the barriers and difficulties created by society.
The intended outcomes of the day service are:
• Improved health: good physical and mental health (including robust safeguarding measures); access to appropriate treatment and support in managing long-term conditions independently; opportunities for physical activity.
• Improved quality of life: access to leisure, social activities and life-long learning and to universal, public and commercial services; access to transport, with an emphasis on developing personal confidence and resilience.
• A positive contribution: active participation in the community through employment or voluntary opportunities; ongoing involvement in local activities and involvement in-house policy development and decision-making.
• Exercise of choice and control: through encouraging and supporting maximum independence and access to information; being able to choose and control services; managing risk in personal life.
• Freedom from discrimination or harassment: equality of access to services; robust safeguarding measures.
• Economic well-being: access to income and resources sufficient for a good diet, accommodation and participation in family and community life; ability to meet costs arising from specific individual needs.
• Personal dignity: Support in maintaining good personal hygiene; access to a clean and orderly environment; availability of appropriate personal care supports, products and facilities.
A range of activities will be provided at the day service, whilst these will be tailored to the specific client group, there will be a number of key areas of work, undertaken in line with ASDAN (where possible) so that clients can work towards certification.
• Employment support – providing people with support to gain employment and/or gain the skills needed to access employment
• Horticulture – growing and harvesting plants
• Independent living skills – including cooking, shopping, finances and running a home
• Creative activities – range of activities such as music, arts and crafts to promote creativity, as well developing and maintaining coordination and fine/gross motor skills
• Sports and exercise – utilising local community sports facilities as well as the natural environment to provide opportunities for exercise
• Digital skills – use of computers for practical and entertainment purposes
• Literacy – inclusive books as well as audiobooks
• Community integration – liaison with local facilities, using public transport, social outings and activities within the community, participation in the democratic process
• Ownership – People will be supported to make decisions about the running of the hub, supporting them to organise and run their own activities and projects
• Emotional and behavioural regulation – supporting people to understand their triggers and empowering them with individualised coping strategies, mindfulness, finding structures and routines that work for them.
All of the above will be complemented by a sensory area that people can utilise to relax and self-regulate.
In line with the HSE’s New Directions strategy, the following personal supports will be available to all clients accessing the service:
a) support for making choices and plans;
b) support for making transitions and progression;
c) support for inclusion in one’s local community;
d) support for accessing education and formal learning;
e) support for maximising independence;
f) support for personal and social development;
g) support for health and wellbeing;
h) support for accessing bridging programmes to vocational training;
i) support for accessing vocational training and work opportunities;
j) support for personal expression and creativity;
k) support for having meaningful social roles;
l) support for influencing service policy and practice.